Monday, June 29, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 48 - Haines

Day 48 – 6-28-15 Sunday A quiet relaxing day today. A few degrees warmer than the last couple of days and sunshine. Lena did laundry because we will probably not have full hookups for several days when we leave Haines tomorrow. Mid afternoon we walked downtown to Haines again to get some exercise. The town was quiet, not much activity. There were 4 or 5 businesses open.

Haines School

New Hotel in Haines

Main Street

Main Street

We found an old cemetery on the hill above the street in front of the small boat harbor. There were only about a dozen tombstones in it dating from the late 1800's to about 1909. There were two Bald Eagles in the trees at the edge of town near the harbor. Probably the same two we saw just after we got here.


Totem Pole at Small Boat Harbor

Soil Drilling Rig to test for Gold

About 8PM we drove back to the Chilkoot Lake area to see if the bears were out in the water feeding. We stopped near the fish weir and watched one of the Fish and Wildlife personnel out on the weir counting salmon. We didn't see any bears but did see three Bald Eagles in the spruce trees above the water. One was down low near the water looking for fish I guess. This is a really scenic area. We took one last look and returned to the campground.

Counting Salmon

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