Thursday, June 11, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 30 - Homer

Day 30 – 6-10-15 Wednesday Today was a 3 Moose day. While preparing breakfast Lena hollered “Moose - Moose”. There is a wood rail fence about 8 feet in front of the motor home and there was a big female Moose standing between the fence and the front of the motor home. We grabbed the cameras and got a few photos. Then she proceeded to jump over the fence and walk down through the vegetation toward the cliff. In a few minutes she returned and stood beside a sign that is on the fence that reads “DANGER! CLIFF! Keep off Fence”. I guess she can't read or don't follow rules. She walked back in front of us and jumped the fence again and went walking off across the campground.

After breakfast we drove back out to The Spit so we could walk down the boardwalk at the Small Boat Harbor and look at the boats. We talked to a young man that was loading supplies on a fishing boat. He said they were getting ready to go fishing for Pink Salmon out in Prince William Sound and would be out until sometime in August. We noticed a few other large fishing boats that were getting their equipment and nets ready to go fishing. We walked back to Central Charters to tell the lady that booked our fishing trip yesterday how much we enjoyed the trip (even with me getting sick) and how great a job the crew did.

The Spit Light house

Small boat harbor

Fishing boat preparing to leave

We left The Spit and drove out along the Kachemak Bay for about 16 miles to enjoy the scenery of the bay and the mountains on the other side. We could see glaciers on the mountains. The sky was so clear today that the snow on top of the mountains looked like a huge spotlight was shining on them. When we were coming back down the hill I saw a mama Moose and her baby grazing in the ditch right beside the highway but Lena did not see them.

Then we returned to the campground to fry some of the Halibut we caught yesterday. Yummy!

After resting for awhile we did some hiking on a couple of the hiking trails in the area. One of them took us very near the Two Sisters Cafe'. We heard they have the best coffee in the town and also baked goods. We both ordered Lattes and Chocolate Bread which looks like a bun/biscuit filled with chocolate. The Lattes were the best of the three places we have tried and also the cheapest by far. After stuffing ourselves we stopped at the Safeway to get a few groceries before returning to the campground. I don't think our hiking burned up the calories from the Chocolate Bread.

Birds on the Beluga Slough Trail

Lattes and Chocolate Bread

Today was the warmest day we have had in several days. It drizzled rain until about 9AM and then the sun came out and has been really nice all day. I hope the weather forecast for tomorrow is correct because we have another boat trip planned that will take us across the Kachemak Bay. 

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