Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 21 Fairbanks

Day 21 6-1-2015 Monday It was raining and 45 degrees when we got up this morning. After breakfast we went to the Museum of the North at the University of Alaska Fairbanks to tour the museum. It has some very interesting exhibits. By the time we left the museum the rain had stopped and the sun was out.

We have been noticing a post with 4 - 120 volt outlets on the post in some of the parking lots. We first though maybe they were used when they have craft fairs in the parking lots but today it dawned on me that they are used to plug in the engine block heaters during the below freezing temperatures that have in Fairbanks. Many of the vehicles here has a plug hanging out the grill that is used to plug into electricity in the Winter to keep the oil in the engines warm so the vehicles will crank. See photos.

We stopped at a restaurant to have lunch. I don't think I have mentioned that the cost of things in Alaska are higher than at home. Example lots of oil flow from Alaska but fuel here is about a dollar a gallon higher than at home. Meals in restaurants are more also. All the meals we have ate out here has all been very good. After lunch we stopped at Sam's Club and Wal-Mart to get some groceries because when we leave Fairbanks tomorrow it will be a few days before we get to another town with similar grocery shopping.

Then we drove to The Knotty Store to look at the wood burls. As a wood turner they are interesting. The railing around the front of the building is made from some beautiful burls. I would like to get a few to bring home but that will probably not happen and the Canadian Customs Agent would get very excited if they found them.

Then we returned to the campground to catch up on a few things before we depart the area tomorrow. It may be a few days before I can update the Blog again. I'm not sure what type of campgrounds we will be in the next few days as we don't know where we are going to stop. We are just going to head down the road and see what interest us and we will stop.

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