Friday, June 19, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 38 - Valdez

Day 38 – 6-18-15 Thursday Today was a slow day for us. I decided to run the Jeep through a car wash it looked so bad. For a basic car wash it cost $12 and got less of a wash job than it cost in Wallace for $6 but we can see out the windows again and it will look a lot better for a short while. The town has a water truck going through town watering down the paved streets to keep the dust down, therefore when you ride the streets after they have watered down the streets your car get dirty again. Like most Alaskan and Canadian towns we have been to most of the parking lots are gravel so there is a lot of dust.

We went to the town post office to pick up three packages we had sent here to General Delivery. Two had come in. Then we went to visit the museum for Old Valdez. On March 27, 1964 the town was hit with the largest earthquake recorded in North America. It measured 8.4-8.6 on the Richter Scale and 30 people died and most of the town was destroyed. After the earthquake the ground was determined to be unstable and the new town of Valdez was rebuilt 4 miles up the road on ground determined to be stable. The museum had a nice film about the history of Valdez and several nice displays, lots of photos of the old town, several pieces of equipment used in old Valdez.

From there we drove out to an area called Blueberry Hill where bears are known to hang out along the river bank. We weren't expecting to see any this time of day but wanted to find the area and may go back later in the evening. We got a good Latte and stopped at the small boat harbor and watched a man and his son fillet some Sockeye Salmon they had caught. The young boy, about 12, explained to us about how they were going to use the different parts of the fish after they were cleaned. The father told Lena how he seasoned and cooked the fish. The boat harbor has a nice setup for cleaning fish and the sea gulls love it because they get the scraps after the fish are filleted.

Sockeye Salmon Fillet
Happy Sea Gulls

Then we drove out of town and briefly stopped at the site of Old Valdez before going to Salmon Gulch, another area where bears frequent in the evenings to feed on the fish in the river. The same road went past a fish hatchery and on to the Alaska Oil Terminal where the pipeline ends but the public is not allowed to enter the area so we returned to town, stopped at the Safeway (only grocery store in town) and got a few groceries since we plan to leave Valdez tomorrow.

About 8PM we went back to the Salmon Gulch area again to see if any bears where out but did not see any. We did see one Bald Eagle in a tree near the water.

Bald Eagle

Crooked Creek

We depart Valdez tomorrow and work our way to Haines, which means we go through Tok again and back into Canada over the bad part of the Alaska Highway before we cross back into Alaska before getting to Haines. We may not be able to update the blog for a few days depending on where we stay each night before getting to Haines. Some areas of the Alaska Highway don't even have cell phone coverage, so when we are in those areas we are cutoff from any communication. 

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