Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 42 - Congdon Creek Yukon Canada

Day 42 – 6-22-15 Monday I guess we were really tired last night. We went to bed at 10PM and got up this morning at 9AM. We had a little bit of light rain last night but not enough to wash the dust off the Jeep. After breakfast we walked down to the lake. The sky was kind of hazy/smokey looking. I don't know if any of the smoke from the forest fires in Alaska have made it here but it kind of looks like it. We could not see the mountains on the other side of the lake very good for the haze.

There was a trail along the lake shore so we walked it. There were some interpretive signs on the trail so we learned the name of the flower that is growing all over the campground roads and along the highway. It is Bear Root. The bears feed on the roots and the Indians called it Sweet Potatoes. They ate the roots raw or roasted them. The trail lead back through a section of the campground that is closed and the sites are growing up. The campground has 81 sites but only 39 are available to use. The other loop is blocked off with a gate. Not sure why unless they don't get enough people to stay here to maintain all the sites. Such a waste as this is one of the prettiest campground we have stayed in. A lot of the government campgrounds don't have sites large enough for larger RVs. Every site in this campground can easily handle a 40' or larger RV and are level except site 1 is a little shorter and not as level as the others. All the sites on the right side of the loop we are in are pull thru sites so anyone pulling a “toad” can pull in and not have to unhook.

Bear Root

After lunch we relaxed and read, then I built a campfire and grilled hamburgers for supper over the coals. Later the man in the site down from us came to ask if I had an ax he could borrow to split some firewood. I detected a German accent so I asked if he was German and he said he was. I told him the ax I loaned him was one I found while we lived in Germany. He said this was his 10th trip visiting the States and the first time to the Yukon territory of Canada and the first time to Alaska. He flies over and rents a RV or car.

There are lots of Red Squirrels and chipmunks around the campground. The squirrels are about half the size of the gray squirrels at home and don't seem very afraid of people. One ran under my chair today and they will set on a stump eating spruce cones just a few feet from us.

Red Squirrel

We had a low temperature this morning of 53 and got to a high of 68 degrees.

We depart here tomorrow leaving the Yukon Territory and pass through the edge of British Columbia Territory of Canada before crossing the USA border back into Alaska before getting to Haines, 202 miles from here. Then when we leave Haines we will have to reverse directions because to get to and leave Haines by road you have to drive through part of Canada. The Alaska Marine Highway Ferry System serves Haines so you can get there on a ferry from Skagway Alaska or other ports of the ferry system. The ferry ride from Haines to Skagway is about 1 hour but by road it is about 400 miles.

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