Saturday, June 20, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 39 - Valdez

Day 39 – 6-19-15 Friday Well, we did not leave Valdez today as planned. We were preparing to leave and had two of the three slides in and the living room slide would not come in. We had problems with it in Talkeetna going out but was able to get it working. I began checking everything and could not find the problem, so I called Tiffin Motor Homes Service Department. With the technician's help and a borrowed tool from the campground maintenance department we determined it was a bad slide controller board. I have ordered one from Tiffin and they are mailing it to Haines Alaska. We hope to be there in 3 days and plan to stay about 4 days so maybe it will be there in time. I have made a set of jumper wires that I can use to manual jump around the bad board to move the slide in/out. 

We are glad it happened where we were and not in an area with no cell phone service. And the campground had the tool I needed to help diagnose the problem. We discovered the problem about 9 AM and it was almost 1PM before I determined the problem and had the part ordered and the jumper made so we had to extend our stay here one more night.

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