Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 22 North Pole - Talkeenta

Day 22 – 6-2-15 Tuesday  Gregg from Glass Doctor came to the campground about 9:30AM to fix the rock chips in out windshield. He found a fourth chip so he repaired all four. The one with the split may continue to split because it starts so close to the rubber gasket he could not guarantee it would not continue to split. After the repairs and getting fuel we departed at 10:30AM headed South on the Parks Highway toward Talkeetna. We did not know how far we would go today since we got a late start.

About 10 miles North of Denali Park we began to run into road construction. We drove past the Princess Denali Lodge where we stayed in 2007 when we took a Land and Sea cruise with Princess Cruise Lines. The scenery around the Denali Park was breathtaking. Some of the prettiest we have seen. The road construction continued for the next 75 miles or so. Just a few miles South of the Denali Park entrance we ran into a short hail storm and then it began to rain and it rained the remainder of our trip. We decide to stop in Talkeetna at the Talkeenta Camper Park. We were tired with all the road construction and rain and it was 5:30PM before we got there. We normally stop about 2-3PM but we got a late start.

The living room slide on the motor home would not go out when we setup for the night. I checked all I know to check and have not found the problem. At least the slide is in and not out and can't get it in. Maybe I'll find the problem tomorrow. 

The view from our windshield while taking a road side lunch break

Denali Park area

Denali Park area

Denali Park area

Princess Cruise Line's Denali Lodge

Denali Park

Denali Park

Our home for the night

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