Monday, June 8, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 28 - Soldotna - Homer

Day 28 – 6-8-15 Monday  We departed the Klondike RV Park at 8:30AM and headed for Homer about 70 miles away. Homer will be as far as we can drive in that direction. We will have to return by the same road we came in on,The Sterling Highway. The drive was pleasant with just a little bit of road construction and just a little rough pavement for about 10 or some miles. We saw a bull moose on the left side of the road near Clam Gulch and 2 younger moose a few miles from Homer also on the left side of the road so Lena could not get any photos.

We pulled into Baycrest RV Park, which is a couple of miles before Homer. The clerk walked with us down to the lower section to let us pick out a site where we could drive into the site and have a great view out the windshield overlooking a bluff above Kachemak Bay. We chose site 41 and checked in and setup. WOW what a view. We can look out the windshield and see for miles across the bay to the snow topped Kenai Mountains. As I write this a couple of Bald Eagles keeps flying back and forth out in front of us fishing. I have tried to photograph them but they are a little camera shy. We have seen them dive a couple of times but didn't see them come up with a fish. I'm guessing the bluff is a couple hundred feet above the water.

After we got setup we drove into Homer to get oriented. We drove out onto the Homer Spit, the longest road into ocean waters in the world per the Internet. The Spit is a narrow strip of land with a few campgrounds, lots of little businesses, boat docks, a ferry terminal, a few apartments, homes, etc. We wanted to try some Halibut because we had planned to book a half day fishing trip for Halibut and wanted to know if we were going to like the taste of the fish before spending a lot of money to catch some and then not like them. We went to Captain Patties Fish House for lunch and that is what we ordered. We really liked the Halibut and they had the best clam chowder I have had in a long time. It actually had some clams in it. We are still adjusting to the higher price of food in the restaurants here.

We drove back into town and stopped at the Sourdough Cafe to try their coffee and pastries. Like I said before we are eating our way across Alaska. Their Lattes were not so good and the pastries was just okay so they are off our list.

Then we stopped at the Visitor's Center to get some information. From there we went to the Island and Oceans Visitor's Center. They have some nice displays and they ran a 14 minute film about their work in the Aleutian Islands.

We returned to the campground to make plans for tomorrow. We had a coupon in our book for a Halibut Trip but decided to take one that we asked about at Central Charters while we were on The Spit. It is a half day trip which is what we wanted and it doesn't leave until 9AM and gets back at 3PM. I though I wanted to take a bear watching trip across the bay until I checked the price. To take a boat trip across the bay to where the brown bears are was $900 for the two of us – the bush/float plane trip was over $1000 so we will not be doing either of these trips. 

Our home on wheels

Kachemak Bay

Kachemak Bay

The view from our windshield - Kachemak Bay

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