Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 43 - Congdon Campground Yukon - Haines Alaska

Day 43 – 6-23-15 Tuesday We departed the campground about 8:30AM drove through Haines Junction and turned onto the Haines Highway. The part of the road through the Yukon was probably the best we have been on in several days but that changed when we crossed into British Columbia. The surface was rougher but not bad until we come upon a section about 5 kilometer long of road construction. We had to wait for a pilot car.

There was very little traffic on the road this morning and we were the first vehicle in line. As we were talking to the flag lady we noticed she was holding a bug zapper (the kind that is battery operated and will zap a bug if you hit it) in her hand. I asked her about it and she said yes it was a bug a zapper and she really needed it with all the bugs bothering her, especially the horse flies. There were a lot of horse flies buzzing around.

When the pilot car began leading us through, the driver didn't drive on the one side that had not been ripped up yet, she took us on the bumpy gravel side for the 3 kilometers. Near the end of the 3 kilometers they were beginning to rip up the remaining side. We didn't understand why not take us on the smooth side until we got close to the area where they were ripping it up and then switch to the gravel side. Oh Well! They don't use a pavement grinder like the road crews in the USA. They had two road graders with rippers on them followed by another machine pulling a heavy disc that was chopping up the chucks of pavement and also tearing up the road bed. Oh Well!

When we finally got past all the construction the landscape in the area didn't have any trees, just mountains on both sides and bushes but no trees for a long ways. The area did have plenty of gophers as they were scurrying all over the road. The area through Chilkat Pass was really pretty.

About 45 miles from Haines we passed through US Customs. He asked us a few questions, wanted to know about our egg and wanted to see the carton they were in. Lena told him she had them in a container and we did not have the carton. He wanted to know where we got them, she told him Valdez. Then he wanted to know where we were going. I told him Haines, like where else could we go on this road. There is only one town and the road stops in Haines. He waved us on.

We checked in to Hitch Up RV Park in Haines, got our site #68 and unhooked the Jeep and went across the street to the car/RV wash. It was a coin operated hand wash with a high pressure wand that was supposed to have soap in the spray but it didn't. And there was a sign saying no bucket washing. Well we got our bucket and brush out and washed the Jeep since there was no soap in the spray I knew just the water was not going to get the Jeep very clean. It cost $2.50 for 3 ½ minutes of water. We finished with the Jeep and drove up the street and got some lunch before coming back to get the motor home and take it to the wash place. We had to wash one side drive out turn around and drive back in to wash the other side since the wash wand would not go over the roof to the other side. We used our bucket and brush again.

There is definitely an open market for some good car washes in Alaska because we sure have not found one.

We returned to the campground, set up and started some laundry. This is a nice campground, really clean, everything neat and well laid out with full hookups, 50 AMP service, WiFi that works and cable TV. The only one we have been to that has green grass for the sites, gravel for the roads through the campground and the hookups are where they are supposed to be. The lady that checked me in was from the Cary/Apex area of North Carolina. Her and her son are here working for 3 weeks. I think they might be related to the owners.

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