Monday, June 15, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 34 - Seward

Day 34 – 6-14-15 Sunday Another day of warm sunshine with temps predicted in the mid 70's. The city of Seward owns/runs all the campgrounds in town so I called them this morning about our partying neighbors. The lady apologized and said they would talk to the people and she gave me the police department dispatch number if I needed it tonight.

A Holland America Cruise ship came into port this morning. After breakfast we walked to the boat dock area so we could book a 8.5 hour National Park Tour boat trip up into the F'jords for tomorrow. This is supposed to be the most poplar trip of several available. We booked it for Monday, hoping it would not be so crowed. They serve Lunch and Dinner on the trip.

Then we walked across the street to a bakery but their specialty coffee machine was out of order so we left. They didn't have much of a bakery selection to choose from either. We were surprised since it was mid Sunday morning and a cruise ship in dock. We expected they would have had a better selection.

We got the Jeep and drove out of Seward to a hiking trail and hiked for over an hour before returning to the campground for a late lunch. A couple from Manteo NC stopped and talked to us for awhile. They had flown into Fairbanks and were traveling around Alaska for a couple of weeks. They will be on the boat tour with us tomorrow. We relaxed, enjoyed the views surrounding us and did some reading the remainder of the day.

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