Sunday, June 14, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 32 - Homer - Seward

Day 32 – 6-12-15 Friday We were slow getting going this morning. We finally got ready, bought a little fuel and got on the road at 10AM headed for Seward. After driving for about an hour I had to brake rather hard to avoid a mama moose and her baby crossing the road from left to right just a few yards in front of us. Lena did not get any photos with the camera but the dash video camera was on so we got them on video as they crossed the road. We drove on through Soldotna and tried to find a place to pull off so we could run over to The Moose is Loose Bakery and get some goodies but we didn't find anything until we got farther down the road than we wanted to walk back from.

We enjoyed the ride back through Cooper Landing. It was raining when we came through on our way to Homer but we could tell it was a pretty area. Snow topped mountains on both sides of the road and the Kenai River running down near the highway in several places. We both said of all the places we have been so far in Alaska this is the place we might consider moving to if we were to want to live in Alaska - but we don't. The water is a pretty hazy lite blue color. There were lots of people out along the river bank in their hip waders fishing. We pulled off at a turn out alone the road to have lunch. After lunch we tried to walk through the woods to the river but gave up and came back. A couple from San Antonio Texas pulled in and we talked awhile before we departed. A few miles before we got into Seward a Porcupine crossed the road in front of us. I gave him plenty of room. Lena said as we drove by his quills all came up. This was the second one we have seen so far.

Cooper Landing area

Cooper Landing area

Seward Highway

We pulled into the Resurrection Bay Campground in Seward and chose site 528. The city runs several campgrounds in town along the waterfront. The one we picked has water and electric hookups, some are no hookup. We are sitting looking out over Resurrection Bay and snow topped mountains on the other side of the bay. Behind us are more snow topped mountains. Seward sits down in a valley between the mountains. There are several hundred campsites in town and most are full. The weather prediction is great for the next several days. It has been raining here for several days so people are ready for some nice weather. They also have two or three campgrounds just for tents. The spaces are gravel and just wide enough for our motor home with the slides out and room to park the Jeep beside us. The sites are nothing to write home about but the views are hard to beat. There is a paved walking/bike path in between the first row of sites and the water, that runs almost the length of the town. Between the walking/bike path and the water is a grassy area with several campfire rings made from stones. Many of the campers on the front row have campfires going.

After setting up and having a snack we walked down to the left end of the walking path to the boat harbor. There is a Celebrity Cruise Lines ship docked here for the day. We went to the Kenai Fjords Visitor's Center to get some information. Then we walked down the ramps to look at the boats. One charter fishing boat had just returned and we watched them unload 2 large wheel barrows of fish. Some really large Halibut, that probably weighed 100 lbs.

We returned to the motor home and grilled some burgers for supper. Then we walked the other way on the path to the other end of town and walked through the historic part of town. On the way we watched a sea otter playing in the water. We noticed several businesses with help wanted signs in the windows - no we are not looking for a job. Our feet were getting tired so we returned to the motor home for some rest. With our view through the windshield we could see several charter fishing boats returning to the harbor and the cruise ship leaving.

View behind our motor home 
Seward Boat Harbor

A good day of fishing

Across the bay from the campground

One of many murals in Seward

We don't have WiFi in the campground but there are 4-5 places in town that we can use free WiFi so I'll get this posted sometime.

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