Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 72 - Madison Wisconsin - Crawfordsville Indiana

Day 72 – 7-22-15 Wednesday We departed the campground and drove about 2 miles and stopped for fuel and the Walmart right behind the fuel station so Lena could get a few necessary items. We finally got on the road about 9AM. We crossed the state border of Illinois in about an hour leaving Wisconsin behind. Not long after entering Illinois we had to pay a $4.00 road toll on I-39/90. They sure are not very generous with the amount of space they give you in each lane. We had just a few inches clearance beside each mirror. That is the first road toll we have had to pay.

Today the landscape was more open farmland than yesterday. The fields of corn and soybeans were huge – as far as you could see across the horizon. More corn than soybeans, very little hay and not much livestock in sight today.

We saw the largest windmill farm we have ever seen. There were hundreds of them in one area and none of them turning. Later we saw a few more windmill farms and we only saw one turning so not much electricity was being generated today from them.

We passed lots of road construction and lots of places on the road that needed some repairs, especially on the bridge surfaces and the road joints at the bridges – lots of pot holes and the road repair crews continue to use asphalt to patch the holes in a concrete road and it is soon torn out making the repair useless. We passed one crew patching holes by shoveling some asphalt into a hole and patting it down with the shovel. I don't think that will last long with all the 18 wheelers we saw on the road today.

We crossed the state border into Indiana after lunch and finally got back into the Eastern Time Zone so we had to reset our clocks for the last time on this trip. We think that makes 10 times we have adjusted the time on our clocks. We have been in the following time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific and Alaskan. Part of the time in Canada and North Dakota we would change time zones more than one time a day. We would go out of one time zone into another and later that day go back to the time zone from earlier in the day. The GPS automatically adjusted as the time zoned changed so we would use that as our guide to know what time it was as we switched back and forth during the day.

Nice car
We have driven over 10,600 miles as of today on this trip and saw the second traffic accident yesterday and the third one today. The first two were minor, today's look a little more sever. It looked like a tractor trailer had jackknifed and the traffic was backed up for 3-4 miles. It was on the opposite side of the interstate so it did not delay us.

After 320 miles we pulled into Sugar Creek Campground & Canoe Rental in Crawfordsville Indiana and setup in site 11 for the night. The campground sits beside Sugar Creek. They have recently had a lot of rain here because some of the low ground in the open spaces near the playground has been under water. The lady in the office said the water was so high in the creek they could not rent any canoes due to the swift current but it is now going down. The 10 mile drive from the interstate to the campground was a nice change. We were in the country and all the farms were well cared for and people's yard were all very neat and clean.

Sugar Creek

Tomorrow night we plan to be in London Kentucky. 

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