Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 68 - Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Day 68 – 7-18-15 Saturday We slept late this morning since we were staying here today. The temperature is 60 degrees this morning with some gusty wind. After breakfast we started exploring the park. We discovered this area is located in what is called “The Badlands” of North Dakota. The large hill just across from the campground entrance is named Battleship Butte and there are large round balls of what looks like hard sand that are called Cannonball Concretions. We drove on up the park road and stopped at different places to get photos of the unusual landscape. At River Bend Overlook a man noticed our license plates and started talking to us. He is from Iowa but got his college degree in North Carolina and worked as a Park Ranger in the Smokey Mountains. He was working a Summer job here in this park. Oxbow Lookout was as far as we could drive and almost to the back edge of the park lands and the highest elevation. The wind was really blowing and I had to hold on to my cap and be careful and not get near the edge of the cliffs. The view overlooking the river and hills was unlike anything we have ever seen.

Little Misssouri River in background

We drove back down the road to the front entrance. There was a buffalo herd a couple of miles from the front entrance. My best guess, there were probably 100 in the herd. There were a couple of very young buffalo and we saw the longhorn cattle herd again. The park maintains the cattle herd because of the history of the longhorn cattle drives that came through this area in the 1800's.

President Theodore Roosevelt owned an interest in a cattle ranch in this area and also wholly owned another cattle ranch near here in the South Unit of the park.

After lunch we walked one of the trails near the campground, then returned and read and relaxed the remainder of the day. We are glad we found this park. If not for the detour we would not have stopped here.

After thinking about how to describe the landscape it reminded me of the old westerns on TV I watched as a kid, where the bad guys always went up into some really rough looking terrain to get away from the posse that was after them. If you are my age you might remember the old westerns on TV.

The wind has blown rather brisk all day but as I write this at 8:50PM the leaves are barely wiggling.

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