Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 71 - Monticello Minnesota - Madison Wisconsin

Day 71 – 7-21-15 Tuesday We departed the campground at 7:15AM and drove a couple of miles and stopped at a McDonald's before getting on the Interstate. We had breakfast and used their WiFi to get the Blog caught up and take care of email. We got fuel at the station beside McDonald's. When we started to get back on the Interstate we discovered there was no on ramp from that side of the road and had to drive about 13 miles through the country and through a business district to get to the next on ramp. We saw a few of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes.

Our route took us around St Paul and Minneapolis (which all run together) on the beltway and about half the route was under construction. We didn't have to stop but at one place where multiple lanes were merging. The lanes were squeezed down and switching one way and then the other to accommodate the construction so that made the driving a little more tense. We made it through without too much stress and without any scrapes and bruises. We tried to be in the area between the morning and the noon rush hour and that worked out because we went through there about 10:30AM.

The landscape gradually changed from openness and kind of flat to woods and rolling hills. We soon entered Wisconsin and began to see a few dairy farms with tall feed silos and lots of corn and soybean fields. We also saw a lot of signs advertising Cheese. We stopped at a rest stop to have lunch and moved on to Madison Wisconsin where we stopped for the night at Lake Farm Park Campground and checked in and set up on site #1 – a pull through with 50amp electrical hookup. This is a Dane County owned/operated park. It is a nice campground, free WiFi, large spaces with gravel pad and grass, those on the back side are under large shade trees (mostly are used by people in tents since there is no electrical power to these sites), showers, dump station and paved streets. 

Our site # 1

Campground view
Our planned route for tomorrow would take us around Chicago Illinois but decided to modify our route so we would not have to deal with all that traffic.

As of today we have driven 10,303 miles on this trip and will drive a little over 1000 more before we get home in mid August.

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