Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 69 - Theodore Roosevelt National Park - Jamestown ND

Day 69 - 7-19-15 Sunday We departed about 9:30AM and headed for Jamestown ND. Shortly after getting on highway 86 we saw several Pronghorn on the left side of the road waiting to cross the highway. We were not able to get any photos.

We had a brisk crosswind coming from the West on highway 86 but when we turned on I-94 we were headed East so we had a good tailwind pushing us so the driving was better. The scenery was a continuation of hay fields and large ranches/farms and several oil rigs pumping oil. We saw one oil derrick where they were drilling oil. About mid day we began to see lots of large corn fields and what we think was fields of sun flowers. They were not blooming but that is what it looked like. We continued to see large hay fields, horses and cattle. Still are not seeing many trees except around some of the houses. The town/cities are getting larger as we get further into North Dakota.

Oil drilling derrick

Metal sculpture 

We needed to restock some of our groceries so when we got to Jamestown ND we pulled into Wal-Mart and stocked up on some items and decided to stay in their parking lot for the night (with permission). We had planned to stay at a campground in Jamestown but it was down a 1.1 mile dusty gravel road. We have driven enough on dusty gravel roads to last us a long time. The motor home and Jeep are dirty but I still didn't want to drive the dusty gravel road and the motor home engine air filter has about all the dust in it that it needs .
Sunset at Wal-Mart

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