Thursday, July 2, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 51 - Skagway AK - Big Creek CG Yukon Territory Canada

Day 51 – 7-1-15 Wednesday We departed the campground at 7:30AM and headed out of Skagway. The road out of town climbs from sea level to 3,292 feet at White Pass in about 14 miles – a 11% grade. We have seen some amazing scenery in Canada and Alaska but we both though the scenery the first couple of hours this morning was the best yet. It was amazingly rugged and beautiful. The road was cut into the side of the mountain and across the valley from the mountain the train was on yesterday that we rode.

We crossed into the Yukon Territory of Canada and passed through customs after answering a few questions about weapons, ammo, where were we going, etc. This is the first time the border agent has come inside the motor home. The building is small and the agent has to come outside to check RVs and she was not able to see in standing on the ground.

This area of the Yukon has lot of small and large lakes. The views from the road were stunning. We rode beside the Tutshi Lake for several miles.

We stopped in Teslin for lunch about 11:30AM and moved on. About 6 miles before stopping for the night in a Yukon Territory campground called Big Creek we saw a black bear cross the road. No one was coming in either direction so I stopped for Lena to get photos of him. He had just got off the pavement when we stopped. The campground has 15 sites and we got one right beside the creek. The creek is probably 50 feet or so wide and the water is rushing downstream over rocks making a nice soothing sound. I think we will sleep good tonight. Not a bad deal for $12 Canadian (about $10 US), including free firewood. I built a campfire while Lena cut up some potatoes, onions and sausage for supper that we cooked over the campfire in a small dutch oven. Mumm good. This little campground is almost full – 2 empty sites at 9PM. 

Note: I can't post any photos to this posting due to the WiFi where we are located tonight. I'll post photos when we get a good WiFi connection.

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