Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 63 - Kimberley BC - Bonners Ferry Idaho

Day 63 – 7-13-15 Monday We departed Kimberley about 9AM and headed for the border of Canada and the USA. The scenery began to remind us of the foothills of Western North Carolina. We stopped at the Canada/United States Border at the Kingsgate/Eastpoint crossing. We answered the normal questions about weapons, ammunition, food and where have you been and where are you going. Once you are cleared to move on you have to make a sharp left turn between two buildings. I was wondering if I could make that turn while the agent was questioning me. But he said since I had a large vehicle he was going to move the cones between me and the lane to the right and let me out that way. Boy was I glad.

Once we got into the USA the name of the road changed to the Wild Horse Trail Scenic Byway. It was a nice scenic drive through some beautiful farm/ranch country. We passed through Bonners Ferry and stopped at Blue Lake RV Resort and checked into site A7 for the night. Later we drove the Jeep back into Bonners Ferry to check out the town. When we returned to the campground we went down to the lake on the property and set in a swing and I worked on the Blog while Lena read on her Kindle. Several kids where swimming in the bottomless lake. The lake was formed by glaciers and they don't know how deep it is. The University of Idaho has checked it and know it is at least 50 feet but their test equipment would not go any farther. The lake is only about 3 acres in size.

The campground staff puts on a Wine Bar in the evening to allow people to get together and socialize. We went to this and met two couple from Alberta Canada and the couple that is work camping at the campground was there. The man is from Wilmington NC but they are currently traveling the USA in a RV. Small world. 

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