Monday, July 6, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 56 - Hyder AK - Houston BC

Day 56 – 7-6-15 Monday We packed up and departed about 8:30AM, breezed through the Canadian Customs after answering the standard questions about weapons, food, where are you going, etc. We stopped at the only fuel station in Stewart to fuel up the motor home. I was surprised at the price of the fuel ($1.129 Canadian @ liter) not that it was cheap but a lot cheaper than we have bought in several Canadian towns on the Alaska Highway and Stewart is a long way from anywhere.

The drive in/out of Stewart is very scenic, with waterfalls, rushing rivers and glaciers. We stopped at Bear Glacier to get some photos before moving on. We drove for 220 miles on the Cassier Highway and we passed by one local business and one big logging operation and nothing else but trees and a few lakes. No houses, no sign of civilization until we got to Katwanga British Columbia. We did see one black bear just off the pavement on the right. He had his head and shoulders up above the vegetation like he was coming out onto the road. I'm sure glad he didn't jump out on the road because we didn't see him until just before we got to him. It would have been a bad day for both him and us.

Bear Glacier

Bear Glacier

At noon we stopped near Skeena Crossing in a road pull out to fix lunch. After lunch we drove on to Smithers. Before we got to Smithers a car passed us on a nice smooth road and a rock came up from the car and put another chip in the windshield. That makes 5 chips and none on any of the bad roads, all on the good roads. We saw several logs trucks near Katwanga and several trucks with fresh milled lumber. There is a lot of woods to log in the area. The area around Smithers on both sides of town has lots and lots of hay fields. Several fields had already been cut and baled in the large round bales and some were the old style square bales. Several fields were being cut or had just been cut. But we only saw a few cows and horses so I don't know what eats all the hay unless they are in fields away from the road.

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Fry Cake roadside stand where we stopped for lunch but it was closed

We could tell the temperature was getting warmer the nearer we got to Smithers. We finally turned the motor home A/C on for the first time this trip. We had planned to stay at a city owned campground in Smithers but when we drove to it, we were not impressed. There was only one site that was available that I would have even considered so we left. I just don't understand why the people that build campgrounds can't get the sites somewhat level and install the hookups where they should be on the sites. We left and drove on down the Yellowhead Highway and stopped at another campground and turned around and left it also. It was better but there were others to choose from on down the road so we left. It was right beside the Yellowhead Highway that has a lot of traffic. We drove about 30 miles and stopped in Houston BC at Shady Rest RV Park about 3PM and got a back-in site under some spruce trees in the shade. All the pull thru sites were in the sun and by this time it was over 80 degrees. The clerk said it is not normally this hot. We hooked up and turned on the air conditioning for maybe the second time on this trip.

We could have stayed at one of the Government Provincial Parks in the area but they don't have hookups and we needed a full hookup so we could get the laundry caught up and stay cool.

While we were eating supper a motor home came into the campground pulling a open trailer. On the lower level of the trailer was a home freezer, a bicycle and a car. On the top level above all that was a boat and motor, probably 16' long, on a trailer with a ramp system for getting the boat up there.

I repaired the windshield chip with one of two chip repair kits I brought with me. 

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