Monday, July 6, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 55 Hyder

Day 55 – 7-5-15 Sunday A slow day for us. Most of the campers left the campground this morning. We didn't do much today except read and rest. We did take a hike out of the campground, down the river behind the campground and back into Hyder and back to the campground.
River behind campground

View above the river


I'm not sure what this is

Wheel barrow

We heard the big black bear was in the campground again this morning but we did not see him. We did see some bear scat on our walk along the river behind the campground that was fairly fresh. Yes I checked.

We didn't go back to Fish Creek tonight to check for bears. The fish are not there yet so the bears aren't either. We heard bears frequent the dump in Stewart but one of our neighbors in the campground said they have been there 3 times since they got here and no bears in sight.

We depart Hyder and Alaska for the last time tomorrow morning heading for Smithers British Columbia. 

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