Monday, May 25, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Days 13-14 Dawson Creek BC - Watson Lake BC

Day 13 – 5-24-15 Sunday We departed the Wal-Mart CG at 6:06AM PST and drove out of Dawson Creek with the goal of getting to Tetsa River Services and
Campground 355 miles away. We didn't cover many miles yesterday so we need to cover a few extra today. It has been daylight since about 4:30 so we are not driving in the darkness.

I forgot to mention yesterday that we saw a herd of Bison (Buffalo) in a pasture as we were bypassing Grand Prairie. We also saw one deer standing beside the road. Today we saw 3 black bear near the highway. There is very little civilization along the stretch of road we are on today. All forest land. We climbed several hills and went down several 6-10% grade hills. There are signs up warning about the steep down hill grades so you will not come on them unexpected plus our GPS tells us they are coming up. An hour or more between the little named places along the road was normal. Traffic was very light except for the RV'ers headed to Alaska and the oil field workers. There are roads leading off Hwy 97 that we are on, to the many oil field work sites. We passed a number of Work Camps were the oil workers live in something similar to mobile homes. There were dozens of them in these camp. The men live here when they are working. We got our third rock chip in the windshield today. This one from a dump truck headed in the opposite direction. That makes three all on good roads.

We stopped at the Visitor's Center in Fort Nelson to get some information brochures and to eat lunch. About 5 miles from our destination we came upon some highway construction. We had to wait for a Pilot Truck for about 15 minutes. We were glad we were the first vehicle behind it, thinking we wouldn't get much dust on our clean vehicles. But about half way into the construction area they had just watered the road down to keep the dust down but that made the road muddy because the water hadn't soaked in yet. Now the MH and Jeep has got tan colored dust all down the sides. Oh well just part of the adventure.

I checked in and pulled to our site under a canopy of spruce trees. They advertise power, water and WiFi. We didn't know they get all their power from their own large generator that is turned off at 10PM. The power to our site was supposed to be 15AMP, which is enough to keep the batteries charged but the amperage was so weak we could not use it. The power was supplied by a long drop cord to the site. They have a bakery on site in the office building and are well know for their baked bread and cinnamon buns. After we set up we got two of them but ate one and saved one for later. Yummy. We sat outside and talked to two other couples that are parked near us. One couple is making their third trip to Alaska, this time to work camp in the Kenia area.

The owner of the CG and bakery is the third generation to live here and run the business. The site is the former site of a laundry the US Army used during the building of the original Alaska Highway. The boiler used to heat water is still standing on the property. It is quite and peaceful here and the owners were very friendly.
Our first Cinnamon Bun

The Co-Pilot eating her Cinnamon Bun

Tetsa River CG Office & Bakery

The Pilot ready for a Canadian Winter

Day 14 – 5-25-15 Monday We ate breakfast, bought a few liters of some really expensive Diesel Fuel to make sure we would get to the next destination and departed at 8AM PST. We were expecting the first half of today's driving to be up and down hills, curves, etc. and we were not disappointed. Canada does a great job with road signs on the Alaska Highway warning of the downgrades with the percent of downgrade for 6% and higher, curves and posted speed limit that I think is gauged just right for a RV or large vehicle. The scenery was rather breathtaking. Rivers with the water splashing over rocks. The Canadian Rockies were beautiful. There were mountains all around us and lots of wildlife. We saw 15-18 Long Sheep on the road and on the shoulder, 8 or 9 Black Bear, 5 or 6 wild Bison on the shoulder grazing on Dandelion plants. There was one mommy bear with a cub. The mama bear crossed the road in between the car in front of us and our MH. The cub ran in the bushes and didn't cross so the mama bear crossed back over to find her cub. Lena was trying to get a photo but in her excitement pressed the wrong button on the camera and didn't get the photo. I think we captured them on the Dash Camera we are running. It is difficult to get good photos of wildlife while traveling because you come up on them before you know it and can't slow down quick enough sometimes and you are not supposed to stop on the road due to the danger of causing an accident.

After 2 hours we stopped beside Muncho Lake for a break. We parked right beside the lake and made some coffee and just enjoyed the scenery. It is 7.5 miles long and a mile wide. Before we got to Muncho Lake we passed Summit Lake it was also beautiful. If we ever come again we will probably camp at one of the lake campgrounds. Beautiful settings.

We had heard about a hamburger called Rav-On Burgers so we stopped at The Fireside Truck Stop to try them for lunch. This place was not much to look at, actually kind of ratty looking. They had a little grill in what looked like a small mobile home and two tables outside to sit and eat. They don't sell fuel anymore so it is just a place to stop and eat, use the outhouse (they have a His and Hers) and a small CG. I'm not sure what is so great about the burger. I have had much better for a lot less money. The burger and a very large serving of Tater Tots was $10 Canadian. They have scripto pens on the tables and ask that you sign the outside of the building, so we did.

We had planned to stop at the Liard Hotsprings and take a dip in the springs but missed the turn in and there was no place to turn around so we kept going. We arrived at Watson Lake about 2:30PM and checked into the Downtown RV Park. It is just a dusty gravel lot with lots of full hookup campsites that are very close together. We needed to do some laundry so this was a good place to stop for the night. They have WiFi so I might be able to get this posted tonight. Three or four of the RVs that were at Tetsa River are also here.

After blowing several 12 volt fuses today I found the problem to be the power cord to our tire monitor. So we won't have a monitor to monitor the tire pressure until I can get one shipped to us which will not happen until we get to Alaska probably.

Watson Lake is famous for it's Sign Post Forest. Back when the Alaska Highway was being built one of the workers was homesick so he nailed up a sign with the name of his hometown on it. That started the Sign Post Forest which now has over 72,000 signs from all over the world from travelers coming through Watson Lake. I made a sign for Wallace NC and we put it up in the forest this afternoon.

Long Horn Sheep

Long Horn Sheep

Muncho Lake

Muncho Lake

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