Sunday, May 31, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 19 Fairbanks

Day 19 – 5-30-15 Saturday We drove into Fairbanks this morning stopping at Fred Meyers to pick up a few grocery items. This is a chain store similar to Wal-Mart – actually Wal-Mart was just across the street. Then we drove to the Alaska Office of Natural Resources to get some information on state campgrounds but they were closed for the weekend. So we called and got reservations for the Riverboat Discovery. We stopped for lunch at the most Northern Denny's Restaurant in the World.

The Riverboat Discovery trip is a 3 hour narrated paddle boat trip down the Chena River. The narrator explained several things about the river and the houses along the banks. He pointed out the house that President and Mrs Reagan stayed in for 3 nights in 1984 when Air Force One stopped in Fairbanks for refueling. Shortly after we departed the dock a bush pilot did a demonstration of a bush airplane taking off and landing on water right in front of and beside the boat. We were up on the third open air deck and on the side where he took off and landed so we got a great view. Most of the bush pilots like the Piper Cub airplanes. The one that the pilot was using today was built in the 1950's. The plane only weights 1100 pounds so it makes it ideal for the work the bush pilots do. They can take off and land on a very short runway.

The next point of interest was Susan Butcher's Trail Breaker Kennels and home that sits on the banks of the river. The boat stopped right beside the kennels. Her husband David Monson was in the yard and gave a talk about dog mushing and raising the dogs. Susan was a four time winner of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. She won it three times with a lead dog named Granite. No other lead dog has won it three years in a row. Susan died in 2006 from cancer. After explaining about the dogs and mushing he and the dog team gave a demonstration using a ATV instead of a sled since there is no snow now. Those dogs were really eager to run. They have to tie down the ATV until they get all the dogs hooked up because the dog want to run when they are hooked up.

After the dog sled demo the boat moved on down the river to the area where the Chena joins another river and there he turned the boat around. The Captain of the boat is the fifth generation to pilot boats on the river. He had his 5 year old son in the pilot house with him. He said he started training when he was 5 years old.

After turning the boat around the boat stopped at a replica Athabascan Eskimo Village. Several of the guides and crew on the boat were Athabascan Eskimos. They explained how they use fish weirs to catch salmon in the rivers, how they dress and dry them for food for them and their dogs. After docking the boat everyone got off the boat and they took us to several places in the village to explain about how they use animal furs for clothing and food and other things. Nothing is wasted. They use every part of the animal for something.

David Monson was on site to autograph a book that he and Susan Butcher had written about Granite. We purchased one and he autographed it for our two grandsons. We boarded the boat and make our way back to the dock. We got free blueberry donuts and samples of salmon spread on the way back.

This was a great trip. If you are coming to Fairbanks we highly recommend it. We used one of our two for one coupons we had in a Tour Save Coupon book that we purchased before taking this trip. This one trip paid for almost half the cost of the coupon book.

Next we stopped at The Great Alaskan Bowl Company. I am a wood turner so I was interested in their work. I was not so impressed. The bowls were nice – nothing wrong with them but they are basically mass produced – mostly automated. Not hand made one at a time like mine.

We drove back to North Pole Alaska and went to Santa's House. Santa was there so we got him to mail a post card to our two grandsons. Then we returned to the campground and I took the Jeep to the free car wash at the campground to try and get it a little cleaner. Maybe after a few more washes it will be clean again. I was going to run it through an automated wash in North Pole but refused to pay $10 for a simple wash and rinse, no soap nothing but spray some water and rinse it off. That was the cheapest wash on the list. 

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