Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Alaska 2015 - Day 9 Shelby MT

Day 9 – 5-20-15 Wednesday We are about to get our body accustomed to the two hour time difference we are in, so we slept a little later today plus we are staying here today so we didn't need to get an early start. As we proceed on into Alaska it will be more than a two hour difference. We did laundry and general maintenance and housekeeping duties today.

I walked up the road from the campground to a Veterans Memorial. See photos. The flag raising replica was cut from plate steel. Look very close between the legs of the third man from the left. There is a very large flag on a hill behind the this memorial. The flag is also for the veterans. There were two panels with bricks engraved with veterans names on them.

We can't take any fresh fruit or vegetables into Canada and when I was checking the entry requirements again this morning I discovered the eggs we purchased in Missouri can't be taken unless cooked due to the Avian Flu in chickens in several US states. We will juice all the fruit and vegetable. We went to the local Albertson's Grocery store and got a few potatoes so Lena could make some potato salad and also some hard boiled eggs. So for supper tonight we had a fried bologna and egg sandwich with potato salad and blueberry pound cake with strawberries. What a combination but it cleared some of stuff out we aren't supposed to carry across. We will cross in and out of Canada several times as we visit different parts of Alaska. We don''t know if this same rule will apply to those crossings or just the one from the lower 48.

We will turn our cell phones off tomorrow when we get to Canada because US Cellular does not have coverage in Canada. I will not be able to update the Blog every day as we will probably not be in a campground every night that has WiFi and some nights might not even be in a campground - just a pull off beside the road in the more remote areas of Canada. 

Ground Hog

Campground and part of Shelby Montana below

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