Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Stone Mountain State Park March 27-April 9, 2018

Home to Stone Mountain State Park NC

Day 1 Tuesday March 27, 2018 We departed home at 7:30AM, stopped for breakfast at Bojangles near Wallace, then we headed for Stone Mountain State Park to begin 5 weeks of working as Volunteer Campground Host. This will be our 4th year working as Campground Host at this park. We normally do 4 weeks but the March Host had to leave a week early so Ranger Hicks asked us to come a week early. We arrrived about 1PM. Ranger Hicks came by as we were setting up and welcomed us and gave us our keys and some instructions on a few minor changes from last year.

Day 2 Wednesday March 28, 2018 We were not required to work today, because the Hosts gets Tuesday and Wednesday off so we drove to Elkin to try a new coffee shop that has recenty opened in the old historic part of town named Dirty Joe's. It was good and we used their WiFi to catch up on our Internet stuff. Afterwards we drove on past Jonesville to an Amish commnity to get some Amish products at the Shiloh General Store, a local dairy and a Hydrophonic tomato farm.
Interesting Mirror over sink in Men's Restroom

On the way back to the park we took some backroads to enjoy the local scenery. This is a really pretty area with lots of rolling green pastures with lots of cows, farm houses, etc. After we got back and had lunch we got our equipment ready on the provided golf cart and did a few things in the campground and sold some firewood and checked a few campers in eventhough it was our day off. The park is shorthanded right now and we don't mind doing a little extra to help out.

Day 3 Thursday March 29, 2018 Today was our first official day of work. We put out 41 reserved signs, reported a couple of non-functioning water hydrants to the maintenance department,  checked the bathouses for paper products, picked up some trash and raked a couple of sites and then had breakfast. Later we made a couple of trips through the campground to check for any problems and relieved Jackie at the Contact Station at 2:30PM so she could have a lunch break. While there we checked in several campers with reservations.  The weather was really nice today eventhough it was a little windy.

Day 4 Friday March 30, 2018 We did our duties in the campground then had breakfast before relieving Jackie at the Contact Station from 11:30AM to 5PM. The park is shorthanded again today so we agreed to operate the Contact Station while Jackie works at the Visitor's Center. We sold firewood, ice and items out of the little store in the Contact Station and checked in campers as they arrived. The campground is full for the night.

Day 5 Saturday March 31, 2018 We got a frost last night so it was cold this morning but the sun came out and warmed things up. We had breakfast while it warmed up a bit before doing our work in the campground. We relieved Shannon at the Contact Station from 11:30AM until 1:30PM. Eventhough to sun was shinning it remained rather cool all day due to the wind. I made a final pass through the campground about 6PM and called it a day. All sites are reseerved tonight, but a few are vacant because to people didn't come and didn't cancel their reservations, therefore the site sits empty even if someone comes up and needs a site for the night.

Day 6 Sunday April 1, 2018 Today is Easter and also April Fool Day. We got out about 8AM and put all the reservation signs out before we returned to the motor home for breakfast. Later we relived Shannon at the Contact Station so she could go to the Visitor's Center to relieve the staff person there for lunch. Later after we were relieved we had lunch and then cleaned several sites as the camper vacated the sites.

Day 7 Monday April 2, 2018 We did our normal duties as in other days. The weather was nice today so we worked out in the campground a little more to enjoy the warmer weather.
This is our 4th year volunteering here and we get to see all kinds and types of Rvs and tents. There is a large tent two sites from us that has a smoke stack coming through the roof. It is shaped like an old style military tent with a new twist and is the first we have seen with a smoke stack and it is puffing smoke every morning, we assume they are heating the tent with it.

Day 8 Tuesday April 3, 2018 Today was our first of two days off so we went to Elkin to try the other location of Dirty Joe's Coffee shop before driving out to the Amish community again to get some more tomatoes, milk, fresh homemade bread, etc. On the way back we drove some of the back roads on the way back to Elkin. Later we did a walk around loop A and B in the campground.

Day 9 Wednesday April 4, 2018 Lots of heavy rain for a short while early this morning. We started camping about 49 years ago in a tent. Every thime we are here and it rains we are glad we don't have to camp in a tent now.

We drove to a little country cafe near Sparta for breakfast. We discovered it last year. I like their pancakes. They will make them anysize you want. Last year I didn't know that and just ordered two and when the order came to the table the pancakes overlapped the edge of the plate and the local old timers setting near us laughed at my expression. Lena ordered a country ham and egg biscuit and said it was the best one she had ever had. After eating we drove on into Sparta and when we got out of the car Lena realized she had left her purse at the cafe, so we turned around and went back. When we drove up the waitress caming running out with her purse. We went back to Sparta and when we went into the coffee shop to get Lattes and use their WiFi I found a folded up $20 bill on the floor at the ordering counter. I gave it to the clerk and she thought for a moment about who had just ordered and turned around and the lady was still there so the lady checked her purse and she was missing a $20 so she was happy to get it back. I thought those two events back to back were interesting.

We returned to the campground to relax and read on our day off and to get some laundry done. I decided to put out tomorrow's reservation sign late today rather than doing it in the morninng when it was predicted to be 32 degrees at 8AM.

Day 10 Thursday April 5, 2018 As predicted it was cold this morning so it was about 9:30AM before we went out into the campground. Lena's was having some trouble with her back so she lay on a heating pad while I did the rounds in the campground. Then I relieved Jackie in the Contact Station so she could have a long lunch with her mother and sister. The office manager has okayed Jackie to train me on the computer so I can use it when I relieve her to checkin campers, etc.

Day 11 Friday April 6, 2018 Another typical day for us, doing our work in the campground and working in the contact station while Jackie has lunch. Another unusual RV came in today. It was a short school bus that was converted to a camper. I talked to the owner breifly and he said he was disabled and was planning to travel the country with the RV.

Tomorrow's weather looks like lots of rain so we put out the reservation signs this evening for Saturday.

Day 12 Saturday April 7, 2018 The rain started about 8PM lastnight and continued for most of the night. Not much fun for those in tents. We got out about 8:30AM and cleaned several sites and fire pits before breakfast, then did a few more before noon. The rain came in again mid afternoon and the temperature dropped to the low 40's from the low 50's this morning. We stayed in the remainder  of the day and relaxed and did some reading. We only had 5 reservations for today and I think most of them canceled due to the weather and some that was already here left early.

Day 13 Sunday April 8, 2018 We got up at 7:30AM to 30 degrees and a good dusting of snow on the ground. We only have 8 reservations coming in today. We put out the reservation signs and cleaned a few sites before breakfast. Some friends from Greensboro came in before noon with their 5th wheel camper so we cleaned a few more sites and then visited with them for awhile after they got setup.

We normally have a lot more campers in the campground on a Sunday but the weather has probably discouraged some from coming.

Day 14 Monday April 9, 2018 Raining again this morning when we got up. We only have 5 reservations today so I put them out and checked the campground while Lena prepared for breakfast. Our friends from Greensboro are joining us for breakfast this morning.

We had a good visit with our friends then after lunch I did a campground check and cleaned a few sites.

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