Monday, April 16, 2018

Stone Mountain State Park April 10 - 16, 2018

Day 15 Tuesday April 10, 2018 This was our day off so we drove to Wilksboro for breakfast and access to WiFi to catch up on some internet stuff. Later we cruised North on the Blue Ridge Parkway for several miles along a very pretty section that we have ridden several times.

We got off the parkway and drove through some very pretty country with losts of rolling green pastures with lots of cattle and nice farm houses before returning to the campground. Our friends invited us over to their camper for pie and coffee by their campfire. The campers across the street came over and we all talked until about 9PM before calling it a night.

Day 16 Wednesday April 11, 2018 Our second day off, so we did some exploring of backroads, had lunch at Terry's Cafe in State Road (yes that is the name of the area), restocked some groceries and returned to the campground to enjoy the rest of our day off. Lena did some laundry and we did some reading.

Nice farm house and barn

Day 17 Thursday April 12, 2018 Finally a nice day with sunshine. Lena was not feeling well today so I did all the work in the campground that was required. I worked in the Contact Station selling wood and ice and also checking  in campers off and on until about 7PM because there was noone scheduled to work in the Contact Station today. I also repaired a water hydrant that was not working propertly. This releived the Rangers do attend to other responsibilities.

Day 18 Friday April 13, 2018 We had another beautiful sunshine day. Lena is still sick with a bad sinus head cold but did go out with me to put out the 60 reservation signs for campers that are coming in today. After breakfast I cleaned a few sites that needed it before today's campers came in, then I releaved Jackie at the Contact Station while she took her lunch break. It was nice to set outside and relax and read in the sunshine today in between performing our duties. Out of 88 sites we have only 10 not occuied or reserved tonight.

Day 19 Saturday April 14, 2018 We only have 16 reservations today so I put them out and checked the campground for any issues before breakfast. There were lots of campers outside this morning cooking breakfast so I got to smell bacon, etc. cooking while out doing my duties, so I was ready for breakfast when I got back to the motorhome.

Later in the afternoon Lena was feeling a little better so she went out with me to check the campground so she could get some fresh air. Rain is predicted for tomorrow so we put out the reservation sign for Sunday. We only have 9 for Sunday.

Dau 20 Sunday April 15, 2018 We had a good breakfast of Lena's blueberry pancakes then started working in the campground getting the sites cleaned as the campers leave. We try to get the sites cleaned before the next campers come in if we can. Sunday is busy with most of the weekend campers leaving and new campers coming in.

The rain started about 2PM, with heavy rain and winds, with a tornado warning so we brought our awnings in and lowered the canopy over the picnic table. Sure am glad all the tent campers have packed up and gone home because it would be rather uncomfortable in a tent in this weather. The rain continued on until around midnight.

Day 21 Monday April 16, 2018 We got about 4” of rain yesterday so the Big Sandy Creek running through the campground had plenty of water in it today. Temps in the low 40's this morning and windy. I went out to check the campground for any problems after the storm yesterday and checked in a couple of campers that arrived before the Contact Station opened. We only have three reservations today plus any “walk-ins” that may show up so it is a quite day. We worked hard yesterday morning so we are taking advantage of the slow day today. The temps never got above 43 degrees today and windy. We got a little bit of snow starting about 7PM.

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