Monday, May 15, 2023

Stone Mountain State Park May 9-15, 2023

 Day 9 Tuesday May 9, 2023 Today is the first day of our weekend so we drove to Galax VA to a get our Latte and Cinnamon Bun fix at Briarpatch Marketeplace and Cafe. We always visit this place when we are in the area. They normally have some of the best Lattes and Cinnamon Buns. Today the Lattes were not as good as normal, it seems a lot depends on the person making them even if from the same place. The couple that now own the cafe and antique business purchased it just before COVID hit. They have really turned the antique part of the business into a much nicer shopping experience. There is not so much “junk” and not crowded and musty smelling. They have also expanded the options in the Cafe and have lots more seating, some over in the antique section. 

I spotted a reproduction of an old Pie Safe that I really like so I took several photos and I may try building one later this year. 

We walked around the historical section of town and stopped in to look around the Chestnut Creek School of the Arts. There are a lot of different types of artist in this area and the school has several classes in different types of crafts and arts. 

There was a large display of artistic quilts on the second floor. These were not functional type quilts like my mother made by hand one stitch at a time. These were all machine  made quilts with the fabric laid out in an artistic fashion. They were very pretty but so were the prices. 

We rode through Fries VA and stopped at the Fries RV Park where we have stayed several times but not recently. From there we headed back via Independence VA and stopped for lunch at the Mexican Restaurant there. We try to stop there at least one time while we are working at Stone Mountain. It is a good Mexican Restaurant.

Day 10 Wednesday May 10, 2023 Today we planned to eat breakfast at McGradys Grill a few miles from here but they have closed permanently. There were signs out front that it will reopen soon under a different name.  We found out later the McGradys had sold out due to health issues. So we drove onto Jonesville and ate breakfast at Breakfast Time. Jonesville is a small town on the edge of Elkin. I got pancakes with strawberries, blueberries and nuts. Yummy!!

We returned to Elkin and stopped at Combs Butcher Shop to get some of their homemade breakfast sausage. We bought some last year and it was very good. It is mild as we don't like spicy sausage. We also bought a package of sliced country ham. And found some free range eggs for $1.59 a dozen. That is a bargain now for eggs. We will see how good they are. Lena is picky about her eggs. She likes the yoke to be as yellow as possible. And you don't get that with eggs from chickens kept in cages.

We spotted a new mural so we stopped to get a photo of it before we stopped at Dirty Joe's for a Latte. Ekin has lot of murals and we try to photograph everyone we see when we are traveling. While in the coffee shop a man, we assume the owner, gave us a gift card for our next visit. The sleeve it was in had $20 written on it but he said it was not for that much, but he didn't know how much it was worth. We will see on our next visit.

Then it was onto Walmart for a few supplies. On the way back to the park we stopped at Foothills Grocery and Grill for four pieces of their fried chicken. They are well know for their fried chicken around here. Then we returned to the park for a restful afternoon before getting back in the grove tomorrow.

Day 11 Thursday May 11, 2023 We only have 19 reservations for today plus every how many “walkin” we have so not much to do today and the weather is really nice.

Day 12 Friday May 12, 2023 Typical Friday as we have 61 reservations for tonight. Most will stay the weekend and some longer. 

We are still getting night time visits from BoBo the bear or bears and occasionally Rocky the raccoon will also visit the dumpsters here at the entrance to the campground. The dumpsters are about 3-4 hundred yards from our campsite and some times we hear them when they are banging the lids on the dumpsters. This morning they were banging the lids at 4:14AM. They pulled some of the trash out and scattered it on the pavement in front of the dumpsters. Normally the first ranger on duty cleans it up when they open the gates to the park at 7AM.

We talked to a young lady this morning in the campground with an accent that I thought was German and she confirmed it. She is from Berlin.

Possible evening showers so we may have some “no shows”. But it rained just lightly just after 6PM for about 20 minutes otherwise good weather today.

Several of these trees on our campsite

Day 13 Saturday May 13, 2023 About the same today weatherwise. Most of yesterday's reservations showed up. It was a normal Saturday for us and I worked in the Contact Station for 2 hours so Jackie and Wilma in the Visitor Center could have a lunch break. 

EMS had to be called for one of the campers due to chest pains, that turned out to be gall bladder infection with gall stones. He is due for surgery. 

Day 14 Sunday May 14, 2023 Today is what I call “shift change” day. Lots of weekend campers leaving and several coming in for the week days. After we got as many sites cleaned as we could before noon I worked in the Contact Station for 2.5 hours checking in campers and selling supplies. Rain in the forecast and no sunshine but only had light sprinkles.

Day 15 Monday May 15, 2023 After putting out the reservation signs and having breakfast we cleaned  up several sites before lunch. The weather was just a little cool this morning so it was a good day to rake the sites and clean fire pits. 

For lunch I grilled some really good pork chops from Billy's, our butcher shop in Wallace

It started raining about 3PM. We ended the day by putting out the reservation signs for Tuesday and Wednesday since we will be on weekend those days.

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