Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Stone Mountain State Park April 25-May 1 2018

Day 30 Wednesday April 25, 2018 Today was our last day off before we end our time here so we went to McDonalds's in Elkin for breakfast and access to WiFi. The rain finally ended while we were eating. It has rained since around 10AM Monday morning so we are ready for some sunshine. Later we drove back toward Sparta and explored some more of the backroads through some really pretty areas with lots of black cows grazing of green grass on rolling hills.

We discovered a farm that had a really big barn (probably a dairy barn) that was painted red with white trimmed windows. The old farm house was big and really well maintained and across the street there was an old country store that had been meticulously maintained with an old gas pump out front. This store probably served the community several years ago.

We returned to the campground and was able to set outside in the sun for awhile for the first time in days. Later we took a walk through part of the campground.

Day 31 Thursday April 26, 2018 We had 20 reservation signs to put out this morning. Today looks like it will be a nice day with some sunshine and should be kind of a easy day for us. It was an easy and nice day but it started raining again about 4PM and rained until late in the night.

Day 32 Friday April 27, 2018 Looks like another busy weekend as we have 62 reservations tonight plus those that are already onsite. All sites except two of the 88 are either occuplied or reserved and 3 of the four group sites. While putting the signs out we stopped and talked to a couple that are walking the Mountain to Sea Trail that passes nearby. They said they only have 350 more miles to go. WOW!

While preparing breakfast a lady came up to our site looking for help. They had left their keys in the truck while preparing to depart the campground and their cat had stepped on the door lock button and locked the doors. She couldn't get a cell signal so I was able to call her son. But another camper had a friend that was a lock smith so he called him and he came out and unlocked their door. Then another camper had blown the water lines off their camper and needed directions to Wilksboro to go get parts. So we finally got to eat breakfast about 9:30AM.

I worked for awhile in the Contact Station and had to turn two families away because they wanted to stay multiple nights and the two availabe sites are just open for one night.

No rain today and some sunshine finally.

Day 33 Saturday April 28, 2018 We have 18 reservations today, so with those already here that means NO VACANCY tonight. That also means we should have an easy day because there will no sites to clean as we have all the open sites ready for the campers coming in.

This has been the best day weather wise, warm and lots of sunshine, since we have been here so we got to be outside all day. The campers are enjoying the weather, many are out playing games, gathered up at sites cooking in groups and out hiking the trails.

Day 34 Sunday April 29, 2018 “Shift change day” again, most of the campers will leave today and we have 16 reservations coming in. That means we have lots of sites to clean and rake. We got out at 8:15AM to put the reservation signs out wearing coats and gloves as the temperature was 44 degrees with a breeze blowing.

We depart for home Tuesday morning on our 36th day from home. Our Camp Host Site is sitting on a rise overlooking the Contact Station and we are surrounded on all sides by mostly harwood trees. We have witnessed the gradual waking up of the trees from their Winter sleep of bare limbs to the green leaves of the Spring. This is our 4th year as Volunteer Campground Host (3rd year working in April) and we enjoy the gradual changing of the trees.

A few days ago I talked to a couple that was camped here and he told me that his family lived on some of the land that is now the park. He was a caretaker of a farm that was across the road from the campground entrance and he and his wife was married in the field behind what is now a parking lot. His family tried to fight the state in court about the take over of their land but of course they lost in court. He also helped build the house in the park that is the Superintendent's house.

Today a man that is on the Park Advisory Board stopped by the contact station while we were there and showed us some photos he had just taken of 3 black bear cubs and the mama that were in the woods behind the Superintendent's house. He also said he has found the remains of 180 moonshine stills on park land. He does a lot of hiking in areas that do not have established trails.

Day 35 Monday April 30, 2018 It was 41 degrees this morning but as soon as the sun came over the top of the mountain it turned into a beautiful warm day. We put out the reservation signs raked a few sites and returned to the motorhome for breakfast. Then went back out and raked and cleaned several more sites. This is the first Monday since we got here 5 weeks ago that it has not rained. Some of the maintenance staff came and cleaned the fire pits and raked the sites we had not done which was not very many because we did 25 yesterday plus those we did today. Later we cleaned and raked the sites that were vacated today.

We packed up all we could today for our departure tomorrow morning Then late in the day we put out the reservation signs for Tuesday and Wednesday, since noone will be in the contact station tomorrow and the next host don't start to work until Thursday. We turned in our time sheet, keys, etc. and said goodby for our departure tomorrow.

Big Sandy Creek runs through the campground

A new camper in the "Retro" style

Really cute Pop-Up Camper

Looking down on Loop B from Loop A

View from Loop C site 90 looking back to Loop B 

Day 36 Tuesday May 1, 2018 We ate breakfast, finished packing and departed at 8:30AM. After stopping in Dunn for lunch and Wallace for fuel we arrived home about 2:30PM safe and sound.

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